Tools related to the following tags: On bs4, website scraper. Page 1

A collection of useful tools I've ever created. They were linked and grouped under the following tags: On bs4, website scraper. Page 1
In english/ Tools/ Page 1, On bs4, website scraper,
one layer on top of another
Filter out
For Android
For Android
Web tool
Web tool
Django app
Django app
For Linux
For Linux
For Windows
For Windows
QuillJS module
QuillJS module
Telegram bot
Telegram bot
With graphical interface
With graphical interface
Terminal user interface
Terminal user interface

An example of a simple python scraper

Terminal user interface
This is a simple parser of both static and dynamic pages from sites. For example, I decided to parse images, because they are the object of optimization for statically created sites. Uses decorators.

Kinopoisk scraper

Terminal user interface
This is a single-threaded parser of any filtering and pagination pages of Kinopoisk. That is, those pages in the address of which there is a list slug. Parses data through a proxy, perhaps suitable for moviegoers.