Stands for Portable Network Graphics. It is a raster graphics file format that is widely used for images on the internet. PNG was developed as a more efficient alternative to the GIF format and supports lossless compression, meaning that it retains all the original image data when the file is compressed.
- Image quality does not change with any compression level.
- Convenient for intermediate versions of images, since the quality does not deteriorate after editing and re-saving.
- Mains a high-contrast pixel-by-pixel image of the screen in screenshots without merging adjacent pixels.
- Uses the maximum possible number of colors: 256 colors for web graphics (PNG-8), 16 million for full-color (PNG-24) and grayscale images.
- Supports multi-level transparency, which allows you to create transparent gradients, the effect of casting a shadow on adjacent elements on a web page. PNG files are great for logos, graphics, and photographs that need to be conveniently overlaid on multi-color images.
- Contains metadata (EXIF) that secures copyright.
- Keeps web graphics small in size, which speeds up website loading.
- Allows you to work with layers.
- PNG saves full-color images, such as photos and illustrations, in larger sizes than equivalent .jpeg, .tiff, or .gif files.
- The PNG graphic format is not suitable for animation, is not intended for printing, is designed specifically for web images, and does not support the CMYK color model.
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