Material UI
It is an open-source React component library that implements Google's Material Design. It's comprehensive and can be used in production out of the box.
Available blocks:
- Autocomplete
- Button
- Button Group
- Checkbox
- Floating Action Button
- Radio Group
- Rating
- Select
- Slider
- Switch
- Text Field
- Transfer List
- Toggle Button
- Avatar
- Badge
- Chip
- Divider
- Icons
- Material Icons
- List
- Table
- Tooltip
- Typography
- Alert
- Backdrop
- Dialog
- Progress
- Skeleton
- Snackbar
- Accordion
- App Bar
- Card
- Paper
- Bottom Navigation
- Breadcrumbs
- Drawer
- Link
- Menu
- Pagination
- Speed Dial
- Stepper
- Tabs
- Box
- Container
- Grid
- Grid v2
- Stack
- Image List
- Hidden
- Click-Away Listener
- CSS Baseline
- Modal
- No SSR
- Popover
- Popper
- Portal
- Textarea Autosize
- Transitions
- useMediaQuery
- Data Grid
- Date & Time Pickers
- Charts
- Tree View
- New
- Dashboard Layout
- Sign-in Page
- Masonry
- Timeline
Used in
In this article you will understand how to add a web tutorial on a website for guests using React components. With the ability to define to which elements hints will be linked and how many such links must exist, it …
In this article you will understand how to add a web tutorial on a website for guests using React components. With the ability to define to which elements hints will be linked and how many such links must exist, it …
In this article you will understand how to add a web tutorial on a website for guests using React components. With the ability to define to which elements hints will be linked and how many such links must exist, it …
I show and tell how to develop a frontend for a site on React with a backend on django. I use MaterialUI and TailwindCSS, with source code and comments.
I show and tell how to develop a frontend for a site on React with a backend on django. I use MaterialUI and TailwindCSS, with source code and comments.