CSS (Cascading style sheets)

An eye
Connected dots
Connected dots

Is a stylesheet language used for describing the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML (including various XML languages like SVG or XHTML). CSS controls the layout, colors, fonts, and overall visual appearance of web pages, allowing web developers to create visually engaging and cohesive designs.
CSS allows you to control many aspects of the appearance of a web page, including:
  • Colors and backgrounds
  • Fonts and text sizes
  • The arrangement of elements on the page
  • The position and size of elements
  • Borders and shadows
  • Animations and transitions
CSS consists of rules that define the style of elements on a web page. Each rule consists of a selector, which specifies the element or group of elements to be styled, and a property block that defines the style of those elements.
CSS can be used to create a variety of effects, such as:
  • Responsive design, which allows a web page to change size and shape depending on the device screen size.
  • Animations and transitions, which allow you to create dynamic effects on a web page.
  • Styling forms and other form elements.
CSS also allows you to use a variety of selectors to style elements, such as:
  • Class selectors, which allow you to style elements with a specific class.
  • ID selectors, which allow you to style elements with a specific ID.
  • Attribute selectors, which allow you to style elements based on their attributes.
CSS has various versions including:
  • CSS 1, released in 1996
  • CSS 2, released in 1998
  • CSS 2.1, released in 2004
  • CSS 3, released in 2009
  • CSS 4, released in 2016
CSS also has various tools and libraries that simplify the process of styling web pages such as:
  • Bootstrap
  • Materialize
  • Tailwind CSS
CSS also has various methods and techniques for web page styling such as:
  • Flexbox
  • Grid
  • CSS animations and transitions

Used in

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