T&D related to the following tags: History. Page 1
A variety of terms and catchphrases to which you need to know the answer. They were linked and grouped under the following tags: History. Page 1
In english/
Page 1, History,
Programming language
Is a formal set of instructions that can be used to produce various kinds of output, including software applications, algorithms, and data processing. Programming languages provide a way for developers to communicate with computers, enabling them to specify operations and control the behavior of hardware. See moreOpenSSL
Is an open source library that is the foundation for cryptographic operations such as hashing, encryption, creating electronic signatures and the ability to create keys, certificates, and sign them. See moreDocker сontainer
Docker Container: Unlike a virtual machine, which virtualizes hardware, a container is a small-scale operating system-level virtualization by generalizing "user space." See more...