What is a quill text editor

An eye
Connected dots
Connected dots

This is a text editor based on the WYSIWYG principle (What you see is what you get). It is lightweight and easy to modify the JS framework. Perfectly fitting for any website needs.

Used in

In this article, I will tell you about kinds of quill blots, their differencies, how they are used (including an examples of realisation those blots). Also, here you will find how to override them and create a new ones from …
In this article, I will analyze the types of quilljs formatters and explain some of the nuances of working with tables, fonts, images, and video. I will also show how to override the formatter using, as an example, a link.
In this article, you will find an example of how to implement your own Quill tooltip. And you will get how this even works. As an example, a tooltip will be created for links.