My App doesn't render correctly on the server?

If it doesn't work, in 99% of cases it's a configuration issue. A missing property, a wrong call order, or a missing component – server-side rendering is strict about configuration. The best way to find out what's wrong is to compare your project to an already working setup. Check out the reference implementations, bit by bit.

3 connected dots

Used in

SEO recommendations from Google were used to improve the paginator and infinite scroll using replace and push states for the URL. A tag system was also developed for the site. A gallery was added.
This is an article that is going to introduce you to my new project/webtool, SearchResultParser. Also, from this article, you can navigate to any interesting article for you. See them in the end.
In this article, I will describe a process of integrating the <b>React</b> framework into the Django website. We will configure a communication API between both of them. Also, a TailwindCSS library will be installed.