Notes related to the following tags: ImageThief. Page 1
Here are collected small notes about all sorts of unimportant, everyday trifles. Which are not worthy of a separate article or any other mention. You can consider this my diary. An easy way for me to splash everything out on the site in a minute, so to speak. They were linked and grouped under the following tags: ImageThief. Page 1
Successfully migrated .09 version of ImageThief to the server. With some major changes. Removed the ability to stop scraping, replaced Process base threading with Thread base threading. Also replaced several timers. More to come.
Today I worked on ImageThief. I was busy with the layout and preparation of the backend for working with proxies. And spoiler, I did everything right. I probably could have done more, but I was too lazy. By the end of this year, I plan to finish ImageThief and add two smaller tools ProxyChecker and ProxyParser.
Now proxies are available for use. Let me be honest, the implementation of this feature leaves much to be desired, but as I usually say, first make "it" work, then make "it" work better. Or something like that.
Yeah, I spent most of the weekend playing games. Well, okay, a game - Stellaris. Although, I did work a bit on ImageThief, fixed a couple of bugs, improved the backend for it, but that's it. Tried to install Selenium on the server, but it didn't work. Will try later